



Heart Healthy Cooking

Heart Healthy Cooking

Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death globally. That is to say; it is the leading killer of men, women, and most ethnic groups - worldwide. While there are many causes for coronary heart disease, a diet rich in nutrients without added sugars or salts is a significant preventing factor in the fight against it. So what is a heart-healthy diet, and how can we start to have one?  

Chances are you’ve already chosen to drop the soda habit, exercise more, lower your bad cholesterol levels, and consume good-for-you foods. Still, if you struggle with liking your better food choices, you’re probably not alone. Most of us slip into bad habits when craving a sugary or salty treat, and added sugar and salt, are not good in the fight for a healthy heart. Let’s look at ways to fill those cravings by adding herbs, spices, fruits, and veggies while cooking. Creative cooking to eat right is a game changer.

We’ll start with that sweet spot since sugar is usually one of the biggest triggers for poor eating habits. The good news is that replacing the sweet taste without losing flavor is easy. When you decide to rid your cabinets of items containing high fructose corn syrup, you will have begun the journey toward one of the best things you can do for yourself in the kitchen. Be careful of the honey, too; it is good for you, but it is just sugar. Maple syrup, any other syrup, sugar, or sugary crystals, and anything ending in –ose should send off an alarm in you.

When cooking, replace these sugars with cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, allspice, star anise, and vanilla.  These spices, to name just a few, are all naturally sweet. Certain fruits and vegetables will help too. Heart-healthy cooks can use red bell peppers, leeks, carrots, and even cabbage to sweeten soups, stews, and other dishes. During roasting, root vegetables, yams, winter squash, and onions caramelize, creating a deliciously candied taste all their own. Apples, pears, berries, grapes, and peaches mixed into recipes are sure to curb your sweet tooth and prevent you from adding extra sugar.

For saltier appetites, season with paprika, turmeric, and mustard seeds, then mix with fresh herbs like basil, chives, dill, or parsley to make it easier to ditch the salt shaker. Spinach, beets, celery, artichokes, and avocados enhance recipes with a saltier flair. Lemon juice, lemon zest, and balsamic or apple cider vinegar bring out the natural flavors in food, reducing the need for added salt.

A heart-healthy lifestyle is one of the most important things you can do for your overall health.  Check with your doctor for any unwanted medication interactions first, then experiment with different tastes to replace the salt and sugar shakers in your kitchen today. The heart-healthy dishes you create will be worth it.

 Here’s to your heart health!

 This article first appeared in the Traveler Weekly Newspaper March, 2023

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