



An Apple a Day Is Still the Healthy Choice

An Apple a Day Is Still the Healthy Choice

The old adage tells us that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but is that really true? Well, after some research, you’ll find the answer is an overwhelming yes. Simply put, research shows apples may lower your risk for cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. That’s enough for me. Let’s dive deeper into which apple is the best to buy and why.

There are 7,500 varieties of apples worldwide, so finding ‘the right one’ might be a more complex task than it initially appears. The United States is home to no less than 2,500 varieties, with new ones constantly coming on board. Chocked full of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and the all-important nutrients our bodies need to ward off disease; apples help fight acid reflux, memory loss, obesity, inflammation, high cholesterol, and even asthma. The best apple to buy, though, may differ depending on your reason for buying it or the way you intend to prepare it. 

If you’re going to eat an apple (the healthiest way to consume the fruit) and do it for the health benefits, choose the sweet, Red Delicious, or Pink Lady varieties. These two appear to have the most significant number of nutrients and antioxidants available in an apple, and it seems Red Delicious also contains the most calcium. 

Granny Smith, on the other hand, is known for its ability to help balance out the bacteria in your colon, which can help lower the risk of diabetes and inflammation in obese people. Granny Smith is a favorite of people who enjoy its tart, almost sour taste. Take a bite of the newer Honeycrisp variety, and you’re in for a real fruity treat that may aid the body’s fight against breast and lung cancer.

Snacking is a matter of choice when comparing apples to apples, but crispier ones are usually best used when baking. Braeburn, Cortland, and Crispin all hold up well when baking pies, crisps, and other goodies. Favorites for salads include Fuji, Pink Lady, and Jazz, with McIntosh and Golden Delicious being great for applesauce and juicing. Lastly, Jazz and Granny Smith are top choices for everyone’s favorite candied apples.

In all cases, the most significant number of disease-fighting combatants are in the skin, with lesser amounts in the pulp. When stored separately and unwashed in the refrigerator, apples can last between 6 and 8 weeks. They should always be washed before being eaten, even if sourced from an organically grown tree. Before preparing or eating, allow them to bathe in a teaspoon of baking soda, a squirt of lemon juice, and two cups of water for 15 minutes before rinsing and eating. Washing in this way will remove any pesticides, organic or otherwise. 

Taste and make your own decision, of course, and ask your doctor too, but I believe the apple is still the healthiest choice each and every day. Here’s to your good health and a happy springtime.

 This article first appeared in the Traveler Weekly Newspaper April, 2023

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