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Passing the Memories

Your Favorite Summer Sharing Dish

Remembering and passing down our rich heritage through the years has most often taken place in the kitchen, at the dinner table, while cooking and eating together.   The importance of sharing favorite dishes and the stories and memories behind them is part of the verbal record that has become as important as our heritage itself.   Summertime makes the sharing easy as we harvest garden goodies and gather with family and friends for cookouts, barbecues, and more.   

This summer, we’re looking for great storytellers to share their legendary recipes and awarding the winner $50.00 in hot summer cash!   No matter how long or short the narrative - we want your dish to share!   Let us know your favorite summer sharing dish by entering the story and the recipe at www.tasteofcandy.com by August 1st, 2021.   

We’re looking for your best, so put your favorite foot forward, share your summer cooking tradition, and win!  

Good luck and enjoy the summer!  

This article first appeared in the Traveler Weekly Newspaper July, 2021